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Liquid Family - meet Fabio Sadao

I am happy to present another team member that's truly contributing to our shared vision and success - meet Fabio Sadao.

Fabio is a much appreciated and experienced Liaison Engineer at Liquid. He brings great knowledge in both automation and digitalization, adding large value to the very core of Liquids offering.

Hi Fabio, can you please tell us about yourself and your role at Liquid?

Fabio: I work as a Liaison Engineer at Liquid, where I play a key role in boosting sales through my expertise in automation and digitalization. My primary responsibility involves discerning and addressing customer needs and underlying challenges, allowing me to provide optimal solutions. In addition, I am tasked with developing and delivering comprehensive proposals covering automation and digitalization solutions as well as FSE services and licenses for automation equipment. This role extends to working independently, allowing me to formulate and present proposals directly to our client.

What got you to join Liquid?

Fabio: When Liquid bought GTA, I was in the ownership partner position. During initial discussions with Daniel about this acquisition, he revealed his visionary plans and goals. It was clear that his aspirations were perfectly aligned with ours, revealing a future trajectory that perfectly matched our expectations. Recognizing this alignment of vision, we were convinced that merging our expertise in automation and digitalization with Liquid's extensive experience in field services, processes and engineering would culminate in forming a robust, values-driven powerhouse.

How would you explain what Liquid does and which values we try to deliver to our customers?

Fabio: Liquid is a great company that can deliver not only services or products, but complete solutions with high excellence. We can provide field service engineers for process evaluation, maintenance, and performance improvement. We also have a team to develop and start automation and digitization projects, including delivery of hardware (PLC components and panel assembly) and software (software license). Liquid can provide quality performance, regulatory and customer team development, metrology services. We are able to supply equipment such as aseptic tanks, pasteurizers and milk standardizers.

Where do you see that Liquid does a difference for our customers?

Fabio: Liquid adopts the motto 'we make it easy', a feeling that, in my opinion, defines our essence. Our role goes beyond the mere provision of services in automation, process optimization, quality assurance and equipment supply. Instead, we synthesize comprehensive solutions. Our primary objective revolves around a deep understanding of our clients' challenges, allowing us to deliver unparalleled and assertive solutions. At the heart of our operation is an exceptional team of experienced professionals, each with extensive experience in various domains, operating in perfect harmony, we function as a unified entity always presenting the ideal solution.

"Liquid stands out as an exceptional company, characterized by its unwavering commitment to laudable values, fostering an atmosphere in which each member operates as a cohesive family unit.…"

What are the best parts about working at Liquid?

Fabio: Liquid stands out as an exceptional company, characterized by its unwavering commitment to laudable values, fostering an atmosphere in which each member operates as a cohesive family unit. In times of need, the team reaches out without hesitation, ready to contribute insightful ideas or even offer comprehensive solutions. Additionally, Daniel's steadfast leadership instills deep confidence in our chosen path and the goals we strive to achieve. This resounding certainty continually reinforces our collective belief that we are on an upward trajectory, evolving into an even more remarkable organization.

Can you tell us one thing outside of work that you are passionate about?

Fabio: My passion is discovering new places. I love traveling anywhere where I can experience new cultures, flavors and landscapes. It's always good to have new sensations, because that's what makes us grow as human beings and understand the world better. The images that stayed in our minds, the flavors we tasted and the sensations we had are something that will never be forgotten and that nobody can take away from you.

Thank you Fabio for you time and for being a part of the Liquid Family.

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If you have any questions or are interested in joining Fabio and the Liquid team in our journey to making it easier for our customers - please check out our career page or feel free to reach out to me directly.

// Sincerely, Daniel Ekström Founder, Liquid Consulting

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