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Liquid Family - meet Ana Walsh

Updated: Apr 19

In today's edition of our “Liquid Family” series I am thrilled to introduce you to Ana Walsh, our Customer Care Manager at Liquid. Ana perfectly embodies the heart and soul of customer-centricity in our operations.


With her unwavering passion for customer experience and a deep understanding of what it truly means to put clients first, Ana has become an indispensable part of our Liquid family. In this insightful interview, Ana shares her motivations for joining Liquid, sheds light on the values that drive our customer service, and reveals the dynamic culture that makes Liquid a unique place to work. She also gives us a peek into the aspects of her life that ignite her passion beyond the office walls.

Hi Ana, I'm really looking forward to our talk. You have been with us for just over a year now. What drove you to join Liquid from the beginning?

Ana: I am passionate about customer experience and when you (Daniel) talked to me about the opportunity and your vision for this role I could sense right there a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

To me customer focus is an essential part of any successful business. And that focus must be integral to the culture of the organization, not bolted on. At Liquid this is our moto. When we talk about customer care this is not just a buzzword but a critical strategic imperative for businesses. It goes beyond providing good customer service; it's about making customer-centricity a core part of the company's culture and strategy. Those businesses that put their customers at the center of everything they do are more likely to thrive and succeed in today's dynamic and competitive business environment. Customer retention is a must and Liquid is aligned with my mindset that we should focus our energy on delivering excellency to make that happen.

How would you explain what Liquid does and which values we try to deliver to our customers?

Ana: At Liquid, we offer our customers an extensive range of services, upgrades, and tailored skids. With a diverse portfolio of products and services, we can seamlessly combine them to provide unique solution packages, simplifying our customers' lives. Additionally, we pride ourselves on our ability to address specific challenges by leveraging the expertise of our Field Service Engineers and Senior Process Specialists, collaborating closely with our Engineering team to unique customized solutions. It is not one size fits all and we always strive to deliver the best to each customer.  

In your role, you are in contact with a lot of customers. What would you say is the most common thing that our customers have about Liquid and our offering? Now when you got the opportunity – which message would you send them?

Ana: In my interactions with our customers the prevailing sentiment I noticed is a genuine appreciation for the excellency in our services, our super fast response to any problems and the reliability we provide. Customers consistently commend our commitment to high level of services in short notice and that they know they can always count on us. To me that's the beauty of a smaller company. Less layers and bureaucracy, more agility and true personal interactions.

Can you tell us one thing outside of work that you are passionate about?

Ana: My family, traveling and the beach. My perfect day is a sunny one, in a beach with turquoise water and white sand, surrounded by family. Love to spend hours with my son playing sports, swimming and seeing him love the ocean as much as I always did since very little.

What are the best parts about working at Liquid?

Ana: We are a diverse group with a wide range of skills, all contributing to the betterment of our customer experience and productivity. Being surrounded by a talented and driven staff is one of the best things. Our workplace is collaborative and encouraging, which encourages innovation and personal development. I feel like we are all in a process of ongoing learning, which is another fantastic feature. Being a part of such a vibrant and forward-thinking organization is a pleasant fulfilling experience.

Thank you, Ana for your time and for being a part of the Liquid Family.

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If you have any questions or are interested in joining Ana and the Liquid team in our journey to making it easier for our customers - please check out our career page or feel free to reach out to me directly.

// Sincerely, Daniel Ekström Founder, Liquid Consulting

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